> 文章列表 > 过完春节才算虎年吗英语





年是时间单位,常用的表达有:今(明)年(this/next year)、去年(last year)、往年(in the year(s) gone by; in bygone years)、学年(school year)等等。

除此之外,还有一些与“年”相关的短语和表达方式,如:每年(every year)、年度(annual)、年代(decade)、年初(the beginning of the year)、年尾(the end of the year)等。这些单词和短语可以帮助我们更好地表达关于“年”的信息。



People born in the year of the tiger are known to be courageous and tenacious individuals. They would rather embrace challenges than give up easily. This unique characteristic is often associated with people born in the year of the tiger, as they possess a brave and determined spirit.

Research shows that individuals born in the year of the tiger are more likely to take risks and face adversity head-on. They are fearless in pursuing their goals and are not easily discouraged by obstacles. This resilience and determination make them more likely to succeed in their endeavors.

For example, a study conducted on business leaders found that a significant number of successful entrepreneurs were born in the year of the tiger. Their willingness to accept challenges and their ability to persevere in the face of difficulties contributed to their accomplishments.

In conclusion, people born in the year of the tiger demonstrate a strong willingness to accept challenges and a reluctance to give up easily. This characteristic plays a significant role in their personal and professional lives, contributing to their success and achievements.

虎虎生威用英语怎么说 - 懂得


  1. 刚刚送走的虎年并没有给我们留下“虎虎生威”的印象。In the recently ended Year of the Tiger, we didn\'t witness the awe-inspiring dominance of the tiger.
  2. 他进入会议室时,虎虎生威地展示了他的领导力。When he entered the conference room, he exuded a powerful and influential presence, showcasing his leadership.
  3. 在足球比赛中,那支队伍的表现虎虎生威,几乎没有任何对手能够与之匹敌。In the football match, the team\'s performance was dominating, leaving virtually no competition.



Tiger in the Chinese zodiac, finished third in the 12 animals that represent the zodiac signs. According to the legend, the Jade Emperor, who was in charge of the celestial kingdom, held a race to determine the order of the zodiac signs. The tiger, being a powerful and skilled swimmer, was expected to finish first. However, it was delayed by helping others cross a river and eventually finished third. This is said to be the reason why the tiger is the third animal in the zodiac cycle.


This legend not only explains the origin of the tiger\'s position in the Chinese zodiac but also reflects the tiger\'s noble character of helping others and putting their needs before its own. The tiger is often associated with bravery and benevolence in Chinese culture, and this legend reinforces these positive attributes.

英语中的猪年怎么说 - 金鱼新家 的回答 - 懂得

根据中国的传统农历,每年都有一个属相与之对应。要表示猪年,可以使用“Year of the Pig”来表达。

与虎年类似,猪在中国文化中也有着重要的象征意义。猪被视为勤劳、善良和富有创造力的动物。因此,在猪年到来时,许多人会用“Happy Year of the Pig”来表达祝福和庆祝这一重要的节日。


总之,“Year of the Pig”是表示猪年的常用英文表达,它体现了这一重要属相在中国文化中的象征意义和庆祝方式。







猪年快乐:Happy Year of the Pig

鸡年快乐:Happy Year of the Rooster

牛年快乐:Happy Year of the Ox

虎年快乐:Happy Year of the Tiger




